About Us

The Rural Family Stress and Wellness team consists of committed individuals focusing on identifying effective strategies and resources to reduce family stress and promote wellness in rural communities. The team’s charge is to share resources and identify ways to collaborate and enact positive change in rural communities; particularly communities adversely impacted by stress.
As part of the team’s collective efforts, we aim to:
- Create a culture that promotes wellness in rural communities by sharing resources, tools, and strategies
- Eliminate the stigma of mental health
- Prevent suicides by talking about suicide, highlighting rural support services, and promoting hope
- Engage in research to better understand wellness in rural communities
- Develop resources and strategies to promote wellness in rural communities
- Motivate change in rural communities by increasing people’s knowledge about stress and wellness, influencing attitudes or challenging beliefs about stress and wellness
The team consists of individuals from a wide range of disciplines that embrace the World Health Organization’s definition for wellness.
Our Vision: Improved wellness and reduced stress in rural Nebraskan communities.