Carrie Gottschalk, MS, LIMHP, CPC
Engagement Zone Coordinator
Nebraska Extension
322 S. 14th St
Seward, 68434
402-643-2981 office
402-515-3312 cell
"I am a member of the Rural Family Stress and Wellness Team because I am passionate about supporting the emotional and mental health and wellbeing of children, youth and families."

Holly Hatton, PhD
Assistant Professor, Early Childhood Extension Specialist
Nebraska Extension
397 Carolyn Pope Edwards Hall
Lincoln, NE 68588-0366
"My scholarly work focuses on cultivating the emotional and mental health and well-being of young children and those who care for them. Being a member of this team provides a great opportunity to collectively enhance and promote the well-being of rural communities which is critically important for supporting children and families to thrive."

Denise Bulling, PhD, LIPC, CTM
Senior Research Director
University of Nebraska Public Policy Center
215 Centennial Mall South, Suite 401
Lincoln, NE 68588-0228
"The Public Policy Center values partnerships and collaborations in all its work. I have benefited from working alongside many people with passion and knowledge in a variety of fields including health, behavioral health, and homeland security. It is my pleasure to work with multi-disciplinary teams in a variety of areas that make a difference in the lives of Nebraskans."

Soni Cochran, MS
Extension Educator, Disaster Education Coordinator, Nebraska Extension
250 Main Street, Ste 8
Chadron, NE 69337
"I'm a member of the Rural Stress and Family Wellness team because our mental health is important. It impacts personal well-being, relationships, and overall quality of life. Rural families and communities in Nebraska are facing unique challenges and in times of stress, it is important to let people know it is okay to reach out for help. Nebraskans are resilient but we all need support when faced with tough times."

Lynn DeVries, MS
Extension Educator – Early Childhood
Nebraska Extension
2975 S Baltimore Ave.
Hastings, NE 68901
"I was raised in rural Nebraska and have seen my grandparents and parents go through stressful times as I grew up. I also know firsthand what it is like to survive a destructive tornado, and how this can impact a family. I want to be able to work to support families and to encourage Nebraskans to develop their own communities of care and to connect people to resources that can be of assistance as they weather life’s storms."

Kerry Elsen
4-H Youth Development Educator
Nebraska Extension
1400 East 34th Street
Kearney, NE 68847
"Rural Nebraskans are dealing with the most challenging times they have ever faced. I want to be able to provide families with the tools to successfully overcome additional stresses."

Linda Emanuel, RN
Community Health Director & Ag Producer
AgriSafe Network
"Mental health matters. My research to practice work of a community health nurse includes a wholistic care approach of meeting producers where they are within the age continuum. Embracing the culture of agriculture to embody a healthy mind is a key component in complete compassionate care."

Jean Ann Fischer, MS, RDN, LMNT
Extension Educator, Nutrition and Health Sciences
Human Sciences Program Leader, Nebraska Extension
Nebraska Extension
"My work is focused on the prevention of chronic disease and I believe integration of mental health and physical health is essential for well-being and disease prevention."

Jessica Groskopf
Associate Extension Educator
Nebraska Extension
Panhandle Rsch & Ext Center
4502 Ave I
Scottsbluff, NE 69361-4939
"I love working with farmers, ranchers, and their families to address the challenges of growing food. This includes coping with stress and reducing the feeling of isolation associated with farming and ranching. By building resilient networks of people within our rural communities, we can build a stronger Nebraska."
Kayla Hinrichs
Extension Educator – Food, Nutrition & Health
Nebraska Extension
801 S Street, Suite #1
Ord, Nebraska 68862
"As Extension Professionals, we serve the local communities and the state in so many ways. It is critical that we also care for Nebraskans and remind them how important it is to take time for themselves and their needs. Self-care is especially important after or during a stressful event. I am excited to be on a team that helps with wellness in times of disaster recovery. Through our work, we can help make Nebraska Strong!"

Michelle Krehbiel, PhD, CFLE
Youth Development Specialist/Associate Professor
Nebraska Extension
114 Agriculture Hall
Lincoln, NE 68583-0700
"As the youth development specialist, I believe it is critical to address mental health issues of child and youth who are experiencing financial stress due to unfavorable economic conditions or losses from natural disasters. Helping children, youth, and families cope with difficult situations will ensure that they will have the skills needed in their adult lives to address challenging times."

Quinn Lewandowski, MS
Senior Research Specialist
University of Nebraska Public Policy Center
215 Centennial Mall South, Suite 401
Lincoln, NE 68588-0228
"As a research specialist at the University of Nebraska Public Policy Center, I have been afforded many great experiences in helping improve the quality of life for Nebraskans alongside some amazing people and groups. I have been honored to serve as a member of the Rural Stress and Family Wellness team these past few years. The Rural Stress and Family Wellness team has worked tirelessly to remind Nebraskans that they are not alone! There is help! There is hope!"

Glennis McClure
Extension Educator – Farm & Ranch Management Analytics
Nebraska Extension
FYH 303
Lincoln, NE 68583-0922
"I’m passionate about helping farm and rural families and professionals understand stress, coping, helping themselves and others as they may face stress and mental wellness challenges. Reaching out is Nebraska Strong!"
Glennis is a trained facilitator for two Michigan State University programs: Communicating with Farmers Under Stress and Mending the Stress Fence.

Dr. Dave Miers, PhD, LIPC
Director of Behavorial Health Services
Bryan Medical Center
"Bryan Health is dedicated to improving the health of our community, state and region by offering a wide range of treatments and mental health services, from counseling to 24/7 emergency crisis assistance, outpatient/partial care and inpatient hospitalization. As counseling and program development manager, I am involved in suicide prevention on a local, state and national level. As Director of Behavioral Health Services, I work in collaboration with the Rural Family Stress and Wellness team to develop strategies to ensure rural families know where and how to connect to services when needed."

Linda Reddish
Extension Educator, Co-Parenting Coordinator
Nebraska Extension
"I am interested in creating systems of supports within organizations to counter compassion fatigue. I am a part of the Rural Family Stress and Wellness team because I am committed to advocating and promoting the well-being of families, children, and the professionals who work with them."

Nikki Roseberry-Keiser, MA
Associate Vice President, Early Childhood Mental Health
Nebraska Children and Families Foundation
215 Centennial Mall South
Suite 200
Lincoln, NE 68508
"Bringing together stakeholders from across multiple organizations helps to leverage both funding and expertise to assist partners across the state to better serve rural families. This team helps all involved to collaborate in a way that ensures that all organizations build greater capacity and serve more families in a way that is complimentary instead of duplicative."

Paul Springer, PhD, LMHP
Interim Department Chair
Department of Child, Youth and Family Studies
205 Louise Pound Hall
Lincoln NE, 68588-0366
"My Scholarly works focuses on improving mental health access for underserved and hard to reach populations. Being a member of this team provides a great opportunity to work with a diversified and talented team of experts who are committed to enhancing and promoting the well-being of rural families in the state of Nebraska."

Brandy VanDeWalle
Extension Educator
Nebraska Extension
1340 G St, Geneva, 68361-2005
"I love working with farmers, youth and rural Nebraskans and easily connect with them as I grew up on a small farm in Nebraska as well. I am a member of this team because I am passionate about helping people I serve and want to help them work through any problems they might have."